Using Fluxor with SwiftUI

Fluxor is based on Combine and is therefore ideal to use with SwiftUI. When SwiftUI can be imported, some extra types and extension for Store will be available.

Observing a value in the Store

When you want to observe a value in the Store, the StoreValue property wrapper can be used. Just wrap the property in the @StoreValue property wrapper by specifying the Store and Selector used to select the value.

import Fluxor
import SwiftUI

struct DrawView: View {
    @StoreValue(, Selectors.canClear) private var canClear: Bool

    var body: some View {
        Button(action: { ... }, label: { Text("Clear") })

Binding to a value in the Store

The Store is extended with functions to create Bindings to a value in the State and use an ActionTemplate to update the value through the Store. The Binding can be used like any other bindings in SwiftUI. When the value in the Binding is changed an Action will be dispatched on the Store based on the specified ActionTemplate.

import Fluxor
import SwiftUI

struct GreetingView: View {
    @EnvironmentObject var store: Store<AppState, AppEnvironment>

    var body: some View {
        TextField("Greeting", text: store.binding(get: Selectors.getGreeting, send: Actions.setGreeting))

Binding to a value which can be enabled and disabled

When the Binding has a Bool value, it can be created with a ActionTemplate for enabling the value (making it true) and another one for disabling the value (making it false).

import Fluxor
import SwiftUI

struct DrawView: View {
    @EnvironmentObject var store: Store<AppState, AppEnvironment>

    var body: some View {
        Button(action: { store.dispatch(action: Actions.askToClear()) }, label: { Text("Clear") })
            .actionSheet(isPresented: store.binding(get: Selectors.isClearOptionsVisible,
                                                    enable: Actions.askToClear,
                                                    disable: Actions.cancelClear)) {

    private var clearActionSheet: ActionSheet {
            title: Text("Clear"),
            message: Text("Are you sure you want to clear?"),
            buttons: [
                .destructive(Text("Yes, clear")) {
                    store.dispatch(action: Actions.clear())
                .cancel(Text("Cancel")) {
                    store.dispatch(action: Actions.cancelClear())
  • A property wrapper for observing a value in the Store.

    import Fluxor
    import SwiftUI
    struct DrawView: View {
        @StoreValue(, Selectors.canClear) private var canClear: Bool
        var body: some View {
            Button(action: { ... }, label: { Text("Clear") })
    See more



    public struct StoreValue<State, Value> where Value : Equatable