Testing Effects

In Fluxor Effects are Publishers based on the actions dispatched in the Store. They are inherently asynchronous, so in order to test it in a synchronous test some boilerplate code is needed.

Fluxor comes with an EffectRunner (in the FluxorTestSupport package), which will run the Effect with a specified Action and waits for a given number of expected Actions published by the Effect.

import FluxorTestSupport
import XCTest

class SettingsEffectsTests: XCTestCase {
    func testSetBackground() {
        let effects = SettingsEffects()
        let action = Actions.setBackgroundColor(payload: .red)
        let result = try EffectRunner.run(effects.setBackgroundColor, with: action)!
        XCTAssertEqual(result.count, 1)
        XCTAssertEqual(result[0], Actions.hideColorPicker())

To read more about the EffectRunner, take a look at the documentation for FluxorTestSupport.